SEO Mistakes to Avoid: Keyword Stuffing & Irrelevant Keywords

When you optimise a website with the expectation of getting it higher in SERPs, it can be tempting to take alternative time-saving routes. You might want to try methods that will save you time and help the website rank higher, sooner rather than later. 

Attempting shortcuts and poor practice tactics like keyword stuffing will result in you having to carry out more work than planned when you realise you’ve got some fixing to do. 

Keyword Stuffing 

Keyword stuffing is the practice of forcing the same keyword/term into as many places as possible on a web page or website. 

Keyword stuffing is one of the biggest SEO mistakes you could ever make. In the early days of SEO, keyword stuffing was unsurprisingly effective. Google’s algorithm was oversimplified, making it easy for web pages to rank higher depending on how many times it mentioned a keyword. Today that isn’t the case. 

Google has continually cracked down on their algorithms, making SEO a fair and relevant platform to all. Keyword stuffing is a big red flag, and a website will get marked down for plagiarism due to the overuse of a keyword. 

If you stuff a page with irrelevant keywords, it won’t increase your chances of ranking higher. Instead, it will decrease them. You could get slammed by a penalty from google that eliminates your page from SERPs completely. 

Irrelevant Keywords 

Irrelevant keywords and keyword stuffing come hand in hand as some of the worst SEO mistakes you could make. On-page content needs to teach, assist, and engage your audience. When you stuff pages with keywords, you can’t provide content your users want because you stop writing for the reader and start writing for search engines. 

Focusing on search engines is where irrelevant keywords come in because you’re trying so hard to focus on SERPs that you start using whatever keywords appear to be the best option for traffic. Instead, you want to use keywords that make sense in sentences and relates to the page context. 


Relevancy and optimal usage are essential when implementing keywords. If you want to see a web page rank higher, don’t get stuck in the mentality of finding a keyword with fruitful data and throwing it around the page. 

Take your time to consider relevancy and how many times you’ve used the keyword. There are plenty of online tools that you can use to check for keyword density. 

Want to learn more about SEO? 

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